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troca de memorias

Galleri Greger - Hornsgatan 46, 118 21 Stockholm, Sweden



“Troca de Memória” (free translation: exchange of memory) is a performative urban intervention that consists of a action in the public space in order to promote to people a differentiated offer that essentially involves the possibility of exchange. The idea of ​​exchange is very present in the dynamics of the city, but in this case, the exchange is not done in a mercantilist way, but passionate, affective and intuitive: the exchange of one memory for another. Passers-by are approached to share a memory and in return receive on paper someone else's memory. In this way a network of stories, memories and memories of the city is collected from the point of view of citizens, bystanders and tourists, translating urban life and social dynamics.


Action Dynamics

1. Person X tells his story. There is no time limit or theme chosen by the passerby.

2. At the conclusion of your story, the person chooses a role that they would like their story to materialized.

3. Finally, with the symbolism of the exchange, person X receives a story already written on a paper of the person who preceded it. Person X is released to leave.

4. I thus make an interpretation of history, taking into consideration the type and desired paper size. Alone, I write the story, and with a carbon sheet.I make two copies: one will be delivered to the next person and the other will be stored for future exhibition and archive.

5. Person Y approaches and tells his story. The cycle repeats itself.

“Troca de Memória” would be an analytical instrumental art which aims to understand and

illustrate the universe of exchanges in the city, of street and informal commerce, of the dynamics mercantilists and the disputes for space within an urban chaos. The art here reveals itself able to grasp affective emotional elements and understand how they add to these dynamics existed in the city. 

Troca de Memórias é uma intervenção urbana de caráter performativo que consiste em uma

ação no espaço público de maneira a promover aos transeuntes uma oferta diferenciada que envolve em sua essência a possibilidade de troca. A ideia de troca está muito presente na dinâmica da cidade, porém, nesse caso, a troca não se faz de maneira mercantilista, e sim passional, afetiva e intuitiva: a troca de uma memória por outra. Os transeuntes são abordados para que compartilhem uma memória e em troca recebem num papel a memória de outra pessoa. Dessa maneira coleta‐se uma rede de histórias, lembranças e memórias da cidade do ponto de vista dos cidadãos, passantes e turistas, traduzindo a vida urbana e as dinâmicas sociais.


Dinâmica Da Ação

1. Pessoa X conta sua história. Não há limite de tempo, nem tema escolhido pelo


2. Ao concluir sua história, a pessoa escolhe um tipo de papel que gostaria que sua história

estivesse materializada.

3. Por fim, com o simbolismo da troca, pessoa X recebe uma história já escrita em um papel

da pessoa que a antecedeu. Pessoa X é liberada para ir embora.

4. Faço dessa forma uma interpretação da história, levando em consideração o tipo e

tamanho do papel desejado. Sozinha, escrevo a história, e com uma folha de carbono

faço duas cópias: uma será entregue a próxima pessoa e a outra será armazenada para

futura exposição e arquivo.

5. Pessoa Y se aproxima e conta sua história. O ciclo se repete.

“Troca de Memórias” seria uma arte instrumental analítica a qual pretende compreender e

ilustrar o universo das trocas na cidade, do comercio ambulante e informal, das dinâmicas

mercantilistas e a das disputas pelo espaço dentro de um caos urbano. A arte aqui se revela

capaz de captar elementos emocionais afetivos e entender como se agregam a essas dinâmicas

existentes da cidade.

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Fernanda Zotovici is an architect and visual artist who graduated from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (2010-2016)

She studied architecture at Syracuse University in New York for one year during her undergraduate degree (2013-2014) and also Landscape Architecture at SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry in New York for 6 months (2014). Currently, she is doing a master's degree in “Art and Design for the Public Space” at the University of Porto in Portugal, with research related to Performing arts in Urban Spaces.


As an architect, has worked on urban-scale projects at “Tetra Arquitetura”. In “Vapor 324” she collaborated in architectural projects, urban installations, audiovisual installations and set design. She is one of the award-winning authors of the National Public Competition for urban furniture elements of the city of São Paulo, along with the “Vapor 324” team.


As a performer and visual artist, she attended theatre courses at the “Casa de artes Operária” (2010) and studied the theatre technique of the Oppressed (Augusto Boal) with Walmir Pavam and Cristiano Gouveia (2010). Most recently, she studied “Coralidades Performativas” proposed by the group Desvio Coletivo at SP School of Theater, by Marcos Bulhões (Prof. Dr. of the Graduate ECA / USP) (2017). In addition, Fernanda developed the urban performance “Troca de memória” and “SKprint”. Fernanda is also one of the co-founders of the collective “Apartamento 4B” in which they developed the urban performance “Purga" exploring the mobility of women in the public space. 


Currently, her research seeks to understand the occupancy of public space, and synthesizes the studies of architecture and urbanism through her artistic practice


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